
Strengthening digital human capital

The Strengthening Digital Human Capital zone worked to develop digital skills in higher education with a focus on digital transformation, so that students are trained to become sought-after professionals and professionals can continue to develop.

Digitalisation is rapidly changing society. With it, the expectations and requirements of employers and society are also changing. The zone asked the professional field and education sector the question: what is needed to train students and professionals to become digitally proficient professionals? The aim here is that they are equipped for new professions and can contribute to solving various social and economic issues where digitisation plays a role.

Education can better respond to (digital) developments in society by making students and professionals more prepared for these developments. The need for solving digitisation issues at both colleges and universities has increased. The zone sees a growing awareness of the importance of connecting to digital societal issues, as everyone is dealing with digitisation. Think, for example, of data-driven work in healthcare or ethical discussions about facial recognition in investigation services.

The Human Capital zone was led by Caroline van de Molen.

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About zone

Caroline tells you about the name change of the zone (formerly Connection to the labor market), the need to strengthen digital human capital and the plans.

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What are digital skills?

Digital skills, in the context of the zone, is about graduates’ interaction with digital information. Can you digitally find the information you are looking for? Can you assess the quality of the digital information you find? By including digital skills in curricula, we prepare students more adequately for the rapidly changing job market and being able to contribute to solving social issues. This involves both ICT knowledge and skills in specific subjects and skills that students acquire as digital wisdom.

Thus, the need for digital skills differs per course, profession or sector. That is why the zone focused on securing future-proof skills.

You can transfer these skills from profession to profession, and function to function, and the graduates themselves are able to take those skills with them and apply them in the new context. Digital skills are therefore about much more than just being able to work with software or knowing how to start or shut down a device.

The goal is a continuous connection between education and society. You can transfer future-proof digital skills from profession to profession, and function to function. The result are students, alumni and employees who are digitally skilled and prepared for a digital society.

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