“Everyone knew it couldn’t be done, until someone came along who didn’t” – Epictetus Creating movement together and thinking in terms of opportunities in order

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By participating in the Education data zone, I hope that we as (representatives of) institutions can gain and share new insights together, in order to

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Raised in the mountains of Montana and now cycling through the lowlands of Holland; head in the clouds and feet on my pedals. That’s me,

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Within the Acceleration Plan, I am programme coordinator of the Startup in Residence programme together with my colleague Caro Jongert. We feel at home in

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As project assistant of the working group EdTech for educational innovation, I support the team wherever possible. With my background in communication, I hope to

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Within the EdTech working group, I am the coordinator of the Startup In Residence programme. In this programme, we facilitate cooperation between public organisations and

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Digitising practical education is a big challenge. Nevertheless, I believe that it must succeed through cooperation.

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Innovation in digital education is becoming increasingly important. By contributing to the Digital education of practical skills working group, I hope to gain and share

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Remote digital assessment is an important step towards more flexible and inclusive education. Collaboration, supporting technology and sharing knowledge can help. I am happy to

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I see it as my role to support lecturers in thinking about the use of open educational resources in their teaching. Cooperation between information specialists

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