This was the first edition of Startup in Residence EdTech
From more and high-quality responses to course evaluations to monitoring students’ academic writing skills. Since October 2022, startups and higher
30 May, 31 May, and 1 June we’ll be at the Van Nelle Fabriek in Rotterdam for EPIC, the Educational Pioneers and Innovators Conference. EPIC is the one-time only conference on the digital transformation in higher education hosted by the Acceleration Plan. Meet the members of the Acceleration at the Acceleration Plan booth or go follow their sessions on micro-credentials or digital skills. Here, you can find an overview of these sessions per Acceleration Plan zone. Head over to the website of EPIC to see the entire programme.
Through the looking glass | 1 June | 10.00-11.00 (30 minutes) | Brenda Vos & Sanne Krukkert | Enhancing students’ digital skills, using the Digital Competence Indicator Presentation | To support digital transformation with students and young professionals it is important to integrate digital competences in education and curriculum requirements as well as in job profiles. |
Through the looking glass | 30 May | 13.30 – 14.30 (30 minutes) | Tom Konings & Justian Knobbout | A Quick scan to accelerate the use of study data Workshop | During this workshop you reflect on your own situation with regards to the use of study data within your own institution. Boost your ambitions in this area and look at possible obstacles to encounter. |
Virginia + Havana  | 1 June | 11.15 – 11.45 | Dorien Hopster-den Otter & Kim Schildkamp | Effective use of digital opportunities: It begins and ends with lecturers Facilitated discussion | Participate in this session and you’ll learn to recognise elements of effective professional development activities. Also, you will get to know how you can design effective professional development activities. |
Coffee II  | 30 May | 14.45 – 15.15 | Thys de Haan | The kit for designing and implementing blended learning: A sneak preview Workshop | In this workshop participants will get a unique chance to get to know and try the ‘Blended Learning Design and Implementation Kit’ created by the Dutch Acceleration Plan. The kit is meant to help implement and (re)design blended learning. |
Tureluur  | 30 May | 14.45 – 15.15 | Manon van Zanten | Professional development: A framework for digital competences of teachers Facilitated discussion | In this session, you will learn about what the current digital developments require from teachers in higher education, while preparing students for an ever-changing digital society and job market. We’ll present the competences required by lecturers and give examples of how mastery of these competences can be demonstrated.  |
Virginia + Havana | 30 May | 13.30 – 14.30 (session of 30 minutes) Â | Suzan van Brussel & Nardie Fanchamps | Sharing and unlocking good practices of ‘Educational innovation with ICT’ Facilitated discussion | It’s by sharing good practices that educational professionals can learn with, from, and towards each other. In this interactive discussion session, we exchange ideas in order to gather input for a further dissemination of good practices. The central discussion topics are the usefulness and necessity of sharing good practices, when, and why should a professional go looking for applicable good practices, and what are the conditions to make good practices easy to find. |
Tabacco | 30 May | 14.45 – 15.15 | Ulrike Wild | Beyond programmes: an infrastructure for a lonely planet study approach  Open Format | How do Dutch universities facilitate student mobility across institutions by a new administrative infrastructure? How does this inspire innovative ideas for study paths? Participants will be provoked to think outside the box of traditional programme design and get ideas how students can be more in charge of their learning paths. |
Coffee II | 1 June | 10.00 – 11.00 (30 minutes) | Bart Lamboo | Showcase pilot microcredentials within higher education in the Netherlands Open format | Since October 2021, 32 Dutch higher education institutions – 10 universities and 22 universities of applied sciences – have been taking part in the national Micro-credentials pilot. During this session, the participants get a picture of the process leading up to the pilot and the choices made in the development of the quality framework and the approach of the pilot. In the second part of the session, an international panel of micro-credential experts is asked to respond to the Dutch approach from both their national and the European perspective. |
Through the looking glass |
30 May | 14.45 – 15.15 | Leontien van Rossum & Robert Schuwer |
How to level up your open educational practices? Take the quick scan! Workshop | With our newly developed quickscan you get an idea on your institutions maturity level for open educational practices. Our audience will get to know the (idea of the) quickscan, how to use it and provide us with valuable insights. |
Virginia + Havana | 31 May | 13.15 – 14.15 | Lieke Rensink & Markus Deimann |
Comparing lessons from a German and Dutch approach on (O)ER Open Format | Participants will learn about the similarities and challenges in the strategy to share and reuse educational resources in a (national) platform, both from a German and Dutch perspective. Participants will gain insights on critical factors for success in sharing OER. |
Tureluur | 1 June | 10.00 – 11.00 (20 minutes) | Robert Schuwer & Marijn Post |
Meet the Field Lab Open Educational Resources! Presentation | Robert and Marijn will present the Field Lab Open Education Resources, and discuss good practices and lessons learned to inspire similar initiatives for sustainable adoption of OER. |
Tureluur | 31 May | 14.30 – 15.30 (20 minutes) | Sharon Klinkenberg & Annette Peet | Building a future for assessment as learning Workshop | Participants will learn how to apply programmatic assessment in their program. And how to use the learning module on programmatic assessment. |
Arabica | 31 May | 11.15 – 12.15 | Tamara van Schilt-Mol, Jan Berends & Liesbeth Baartman | Programmatic assessment learning module Workshop |Â Participants will learn how to apply programmatic assessment in their programme. And how to use the learning module on programmatic assessment. |
 |  | Silvester Draaijer & Marga Korporaal | Sustainable building of test questions with item banks Facilitated discussion | Get to know the basics of starting an itembank and get inspired to collaborate within your institution to build a sustainable itembank. |
Virginia + Havana | 30 May | 13.30 – 14.30 (presentation of 30 minutes) | Esther van der Linde | Field labs evidence-informed educational design for professional skills Facilitated discussion | Esther gives you insight in strategies to encourage evidence-informed educational design (for practical skills). |
Tureluur | 31 May | 13.15 – 14.15 (session of 15 minutes) | Maurice Magnee | Teaching communication skills using a VR based training platform. Presentation |Â Maurice will present his VR-study on VR simulations in which a real-time conversation is conducted with a virtual client in a virtual health center. Hear all about the advantages of VR and how automated feedback is integrated into a virtual dashboard. |
Tureluur | 31 May | 13.15 – 14.15 (session of 15 minutes) Â | Stan van Ginkel | Fostering students’ presentation skills by making use of Virtual Reality Presentation |Â What are the effects of VR on learning processes and outcomes in communication skills? And what is the value of a virtual dashboard to monitor learning progress? Get to know this and more (e.g. crucial design principles) during this session. Stan also presents his own VR-study. |
Tabacco | 31 May | 11.15 – 12.15 | Emmelie Zipson, Jelle Kok | EdTech panel: How to boost the European EdTech ecosystem? Â Panel discussion | Mia de Wilde (Thomas More), Bart Corbijn (Drieam), Christien Bok (SURF) and Farshida Zafar (Erasmus University) discuss the what, why and how of boosting the European EdTech ecosystem, and they come up with several practical steps to take to move forward |
Coffee I Livestream | 31 May | 13.15 – 14.15 | John Walker | How to turn your teachers’ ideas into a real EdTech experiment Presentation | This presentation discloses a new innovation process maturity model that can be used as a foundation for understanding where your organization may be on the long road of implementing EdTech applications in your organization. You also get a better understanding of the EdTech innovation process in Dutch higher education. And if you come to this session, you get a sneak peak of what’s next for the EdTech in higher ed as well. |
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From more and high-quality responses to course evaluations to monitoring students’ academic writing skills. Since October 2022, startups and higher
This article was written by: Mira Buist-Zhuk, Hans Beldhuis, Susanne Täuber (University of Groningen) & Robert Schuwer (captain of the Educational
The Acceleration Plan for Educational Innovation with ICT officially comes to an end at the end of this month after
Author: Berent Daan, programme director Digitalisation Catalyst When I came across the vacancy for the Programme Director of the Digitalisation
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